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Time-Energy Continuum

February 22, 2011

I decided to put this post into the Fundamentals section, as it covers the three main elements of reality: Time, Energy and Information. The third one was excluded from the title, because the Information and Energy are combined together and are inseparable in their existence. You will see why later. Just like the three primary colors of light: red, green and blue make any color, so do these three – each contributes to a resultant manifestation of what you see, experience, and deal with day-to-day.

The energy is always tied to the information and both combined together represent a feeling. A feeling occurring in a time segment at a certain 3D coordinate represents an event (more on that in other posts). The energy itself is a component that allows someone or something to be. You exist because you are energy. You are the source of energy that is eternal and will exist after you depart this planet. You were the energy before you got here on Earth. All objects and beings that you are able to see or sense are a projection of the universal energy or God-force into our 3D world. Energy has different qualities and in physics there is about a dozen of definitions, which mainly relate to the physical aspects such as gravitational, magnetic, and electrical fields, and the reality of quantum objects. The well-known definitions include nuclear, chemical, magnetic, kinetic, potential, thermal etc. All of these physical classifications apply to a segment of reality they exist in or apply to. The fact that you exist here on Earth, walk about your business and read this post is partially a result of a projection of your eternal self into this physical 3D world. Humans and animals are projections – little lumps of energy imposed onto a DNA. The objects around you are projections – somebody’s idea that made it into the 3D world.

Now, the energy cannot exist without an information component imparted to it. The simplest information component is frequency. For the simplest and inanimate instances of the energy, such as light, its energy is imparted with frequency that is perceived by the human eye as color. For a heat given off by a heating element of a stove, the frequency is perceived as temperature. You can say that there may be a form of energy that is not imparted with any information and therefore has a zero frequency or is even negative, but this subject is deeply philosophical. This post is aimed at basics. I might open it for comments later. Your DNA is imparted with the energy or the God-force and represents your biological appearance within the realm of the time component. The usual world of 3D, to which most of us are accustomed to and have been taught to see, is the resultant manifestation of the three main components of the Energy, Information and Time. These three elements we have learned to perceive given our senses is our 3D world. You see where I am going with this? There is a reason I put this topic into the Foundations as it is will be the key for a lot of the upcoming discussions.

Onto the information. Much has been written on the subject, and this component has been very well researched. There is the theory of information. Number theory, binary theory. Mathematics is the information science and describes in most laconic form the fundamentals of many concepts known to humans to date.

Time. There is in fact no physical reality but only time. Think of your information-energy composition (i.e. you) plumped into the time continuum. It’s a good thing that time is of the uniform quality, at least we encounter it every day as the element which is steady and uniform. Imagine what our lives would be like if we had occasional warps or surges in the time component.

Putting it all together. Your energy is layered upon many information patterns immersed into a time continuum.

Did you know that you can affect the flow of time? Let’s talk about it in the next post.