
Posts Tagged ‘energy’


June 1, 2011 2 comments


Information can be defined in several ways. If you ask a physicist or an engineer they will say that information is a quantity akin to mass, energy, or temperature and is always tied to physical matter. If you ask a statistician, you may hear that information is condensed data, with meaningful patterns extracted in the form of averages, standard deviations, dispersion, etc. In common terms of everyday life information can be defined as a content of data that reduces uncertainty. Read more…

Chakras: The Subtle Energy Centers of the Body

March 9, 2011 Leave a comment

As practices of mindfulness become increasingly popular, so are individual experiences of the energetic or subtle body. The energy body is like a system of flowing water cascading through pools and riverbeds. Just like a river that pours into the ocean, the energetic rivers of the body find their source in major centers commonly known in many spiritual traditions as the chakras. Aligned in a central, ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head, the chakras pull in energy from the surrounding universe. They are the gateway to our spiritual roots and universal mind.

Yet, how do the chakras relate to the physical body, to the emotional body, and to your overall well-being? Read more…

Time-Energy Continuum

February 22, 2011 Leave a comment

I decided to put this post into the Fundamentals section, as it covers the three main elements of reality: Time, Energy and Information. The third one was excluded from the title, because the Information and Energy are combined together and are inseparable in their existence. You will see why later. Just like the three primary colors of light: red, green and blue make any color, so do these three – each contributes to a resultant manifestation of what you see, experience, and deal with day-to-day.

The energy is always tied to Read more…