
Posts Tagged ‘time’


June 1, 2011 2 comments


Information can be defined in several ways. If you ask a physicist or an engineer they will say that information is a quantity akin to mass, energy, or temperature and is always tied to physical matter. If you ask a statistician, you may hear that information is condensed data, with meaningful patterns extracted in the form of averages, standard deviations, dispersion, etc. In common terms of everyday life information can be defined as a content of data that reduces uncertainty. Read more…

It’s About Time

March 7, 2011 1 comment

What is time, anyway?

Everybody talks about it, but does anyone know exactly what time is?  One of the more popular sources of definitions comes from Webster’s dictionary which states this about time:
           “the period between two events or during which something exists, happens, or acts; measured or measurable interval.”

The American Heritage dictionary states:
          “the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.”

The Free Dictionary has this to say about time: Read more…